Tuesday, December 18, 2007

MN Nice

So finally, a post title that actually refers to the post directly. In case you haven't noticed, the subject titles reflect music tracks that either reference the theme or subject, whether obvious of not.

I heard Maria Isa on "In the Loop" on MPR Sunday night and totally dug it. She has a completely unique style that I haven't heard, and showcases Twin Cities hometown props to boot.

I'm trying to get her album as I love to support the local scene, love female vocalists, and really think she's got style.

So, her name is Maria Isa. I love that her album is titled M.I. Split Personalities. I'm almost frustrated that I didn't think to tap into the theme of MN Nice in a song prior to hearing this.

The only music preview and information I can find is on myspace. Check her out if you're into local hip-hop and the small Spanglish music scene.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

lazy sunday

If you haven't had a chance to check out Google Maps Street View, you should. Thanks to the help of Immersive Media's cam-mobile, many major cities are represented. This week marked the launch of street view for Minneapolis.

It was pretty awesome looking at previous apartments, employers, and local favorites. When looking up a co-workers house (a very productive use of meeting time) we were giddy to find the image of her home showcased both her and her husband standing on the front lawn.

Perhaps if you live in Minneapolis, you've been trying to remember what the I-35W bridge looked like. Well, now you can relive it.

Really, its hours of fun. I am excited to see how many places have this functionality added. It will most definitely make planning travel much easier.

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Monday, December 10, 2007