Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Big Yellow Taxi

Isn't it amazing how much the landscape changes over time? When first working at the U, I would ride along on the #2 bus and, through the plexi-glass windows, be updated of the various construction projects going on. As I started biking to work, I would miss the daily progress reports and find myself stunned at how a building had replaced a parking lot in just a few short months.

More recently, I had been watching the Midtown Greenway bridge being built on strolls down Hwy 55. No longer taking that route, I was surprised to see that I missed the grand opening.

So, here it is: Minnesota's first cable-stayed bridge, the Midtown Greenway Bridge. It's an amazing design and I hope next spring to take a ride over it.

On more of a function, biking note.... I have often pondered biking to work (on my bicycle, not the motorbike). There are a variety of reasons why I haven't done it yet, but my greatest concern was bad weather. Turns out Minneapolis has a pretty cool program where, if you bike to work often, you can get vouchers for an emergency ride if needed. I guess this is what you get when you live in the 2nd best biking city in the nation.

Everything you could ever want to know about biking in Minneapolis

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